Bremer Inkasso GmbH

D-28259 Bremen
Leerkämpe 12

Tel. +49 421 84106-0
Fax +49 421 84106-21


Further advantages of our collection company

  • We are the cooperation partner of a well-known credit insurance company.
    Trade credit insurance with our cooperation partner and inkasso can protect you against large losses – particularly in cases of high export sales and deliveries within the EU.
  • The majority of our administration is carried out by qualified lawyers. This means that an expert with experience dealing with debtors` objections is always available for consultation.
  • Our staff attend seminars throughout the whole of Germany and receive continual further training in judicial and extra-judicial execution by experienced professionals and experts.
  • We are also well-versed in complex legal areas such as management liability following bankruptcy, the continuing of a business in acc. with § 25 HGB (German Commercial Code), the uncovering of concealed income in acc. with § 850 h of ZPO (Code of Civil Procedure) or liability in tort during levy of execution or bankruptcy proceedings.
  • Even when your debtor has already made the statutory declaration (oath of disclosure), this is not a reason for us to ‘close the file’. This is where our specialist training comes into its own!
  • On request, we can also represent you in your debtor`s bankruptcy proceedings (lodging of the debt, assertion of the rights of separation monitoring right up to the final hearing).
  • Our investigators even search out debtors who have “dropped off the radar”.
  • Acceptance of litigious claims also possible.
  • Member of the Association of German Debt-Collecting Agencies.
  • We operate – as an approved debt-collection agency – under the supervision of the President of Bremen Regional Court.

Particular advantages over lawyers

  • We have specialised in debt collection. Lawyers are generally active in a number of fields (traffic law, family law, medical malpractice law, etc.).
  • For some lawyers debt collection is not a top priority – consequently its processing is extremely slow and inefficient.
  • Many lawyers charge you full fees, as per the German scale of fees for lawyers (RVG), for judicial default action and enforcement proceedings even if they are not successful – we do not!

Advantages over recovering debts yourself

  • This involves a lot of effort that you`re not getting paid for!
  • You could be devoting your time to doing more important things.
  • A lack of experience often results in the reduced likelihood of success!

Are you interested? Send an offer enquiry.

Bremer Inkasso GmbH

D-28259 Bremen
Leerkämpe 12

Tel. +49 421 84106-0
Fax +49 421 84106-21

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